
Cinehub is your one-stop destination to discover trending anime, movies, television shows; make wishlists, keep track of shows and movies you've watched, etc.

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Search for the next series or shows to binge on by filtering out your favorite genres, and you'll never have to think about what to watch next.

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Get all information about thousands of TV Shows and Movies, from cast to watching platforms to reviews!

Information page


Binging on multiple Shows and movies? Cinehub will help you out with keeping track of all of them!
You can also view a whole timeline of episodes and movies you've watched and completed.

Home page


Add friends to your network to see what they're up to; view their favorites' collection and their timeline.
You decide what you want others to see from your account.

Profile page


Personalize the interface of the website by choosing not just between Dark and Light theme, but literally any color!

Settings page


Interact with the CineHub Community on the Forum!
Take recommendations, gush over your favorite shows with other fans, share theories and views!

Forum coming soon